
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Been there, done that!

I am 64 years old, a little worn out by life, and have been "crafting" for 45 years.   My Mom was a widow (37) with four children to raise, and little money.  She was an independent woman long before it was fashionable.  She worked, cooked, sewed, decorated, painted, wallpapered, and did repairs around the house.  Even though it was in the Fifties, I thought Women could do anything.  So, I followed in her footsteps. I am going to post pictures of some of the things I make, and if you are interested, I will tell you how I did it.  There is no one craft or skill, because I have tried just about everything and anything. My first post is my faux painted marble floor.  Big project (21 x 20 feet), huge savings, beautiful results. 

You can view the steps at  The title is "Faux Marble Flooring" by Pat Gordon.  I would love to here yout comments.