Super Hero Baby Shower Gift
Memory Box
I have spent the summer working on future events, and could not post any pictures before the actual event.For this Baby Shower, the theme of the Nursery and the Shower was Super Heroes.
I created embroidery files for my Sister, who owns a Viking embroidery machine, for one of her signature quilts. I turned those files into graphics for a Super Hero Memory Box. We often coordinate gifts. Here are pics of the front and back of her quilt:
I use a 14 inch round Kraft box. Next, I design graphics to fit the dimensions of the box. I have a printer that prints 13 inches wide, and I use matte coated paper 13 x 19 inches. Below is the design printed out.
I use Artist's Matte Medium (as glue) and a 'credit card' to apply to the box. The 'credit card' is the absolute best tool for smoothing paper over a glue. Believe me, I have tried every type of adhesive, but the Matte Medium provides the best permanent adhesive. I also use the matte medium as a top coating. It is very durable. Below are photos of the covered box.
Box with Lid
Box Lid
Box Interior
I have been giving the Boxes, at Baby Showers, for 15 years. The Moms come back years later and tell me how much they love it. It keeps 'little memories' safe and in one place.