
Friday, August 9, 2013

Graduation Centerpiece and Gift Card Box

This graduation color scheme, obviously, was green and white.  A very boring, and tough to work with simple color scheme. I customized the Popcorn box center pieces (designed for May's school fundraiser from a previous post) with the Grad's Name and School Name.  I used floralytes (2) to light them and added a lattice lid.  They look great on the green tablecloths, especially when they turned down the lights later in the evening, for dancing.

The card box cake was just a bit of whimsy, I have no idea how it popped into my head.  It was a nice centerpiece on a table with the Grad's photos and awards.

I have included a FREE pattern of a popcorn box that can be made in any color, for all types of celebrations. 
Pop Corn Centerpiece

After cutting out four sides of box, mark and emboss the fold lines.  Glue 3 sides together.  On the reverse side, spray with adhesive, and lay on white drawing paper.  (Roll can be purchased at craft or art stores.)  Cut the white paper along the edges of the popcorn box.  Glue the remaining side fold to create the four-sided box.  I use foam board as the base.  Cut an approximate 4.75 inch square.  Fold the bottom flaps in towards the box.  From the top of the box, I put hot glue on the inside of the flaps, and lower the base right on top of the flaps.  Put a couple of floralytes in and it glows.  You could also adhere the

flattened box to the paper side of freezer paper, and use for actual popcorn.  The waxed side of the freezer paper will keep the oils from leaking through.  Enjoy!