Each year, my Grandson's elementary school's PTA has a single Fashion Show Fundraiser. It is much more than just a fashion show, there is Lunch in a hotel ballroom, Chinese Auctions, Silent Auctions, 50/50 and more. It is the only fundraiser, and has earned over $15,000 per year. Over 350 people attend. This year's Fundraiser had a Kentucky Derby theme, " Run for the Roses." I created 35 Centerpieces. I only have about $10.00 for each centerpiece, so "cheap" it is.
I created two types of centerpieces: 1) A foam board and paper-mache vase/urn, with a giant tissue-paper rose on top; and 2) foam board mannequins (big paper dolls) with hats collected from yard sales.
The 'dolls' clothes, glasses, and earrings (I have loved paper dolls since I was 4 years old) were all designed in "Corel Draw" and printed on large paper. If any one is interested in how to make any of these, please send a "comment" with your request. I kept the costs under $10 per Centerpiece. I think I got a 'big bang' for my bucks.
I have posted links to the "png" file pattern for the mannequin. It has been reduced to 50 percent of the original size. I printed the pattern on 8.5 x 11 paper and taped it together for a large pattern. You can do this by going to "properties" on your printer and select "page layout" and then "poster" printing. I used foam board and an Xacto knife for this. The slots will fit one into the other into the other, and stand alone.